About Us
BGR Alluvium is the brand under which more than 50 dedicated professionals collaborate to provide leading edge auditing, accounting, taxation, advisory, consulting and related services to our selected clients.
Alluvium, from the Latin alluvius. Alluvial soil forms over time from mineral deposits left by running water. The properties of soil represent the values of our firm – Core Values, Growth, Established, Foundation, Esteemed and Progress.
BGR Alluvium, since the beginning of 1964 as a sole practitioner, has the ability to fulfill our clients’ business needs and help our people excel as dedicated professionals.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide excellent and professional service to clients who are serious about their business in order to create the value they deserve.
Our Vision
To be the standard in delivering high quality professional services both in appearance and content. Continue to full fill our promise of personal attention to client’s needs. Employ professional staff dedicated to service delivery. Preserve a culture of growth, profitability and enthusiasm throughout the firm.